Zen in the Art of Archery, Eugen Herrigel
The Unfettered Mind, Takuan Soho
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Dan Millman (any of his books)
The Celestine Prophecy & The Tenth Insight, James Redfield
Illusions & Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Richard Bach
The Power of the Subconscious Mind, Dr Joseph Murphy
Mastering Your Hidden Self, Serge Kahiii King
The Ultimate Athlete, George Leonard
Thinking Body, Dancing Mind, Chunliang Huang & Jerry Lynch
The Warrior Within, John LIttle
The Art of Happiness & Live in a Better Way, Dalai Lama
The Way of Zen, Alan Watts
In Pursuit of Excellence, Terry Orlick
Fight Your Fear and Win, Don Greene
Mental Toughness Training for Sports, James E. Loehr
The Mindside Manifesto, Dr Bhrett McCabe
The Mindful Golfer, Stephen Altschuler
Winning The Battle Within, Dr Glen Albaugh & Michael Bowker